Body Appreciation Week

From Feb 11 to 16 we celebrated Body Appreciation Week at Snap. Dancers wore red, we had a wall where we wrote what we loved about our bodies and we had all sorts of different activities in and out of class.

It is common for us, especially as dancers, and with all of the images and pressure in the media, to focus on what our bodies look like, and compare ourselves to others. This week was all about realizing and appreciating what our bodies are capable of. How often do we get a chance to stop and think about how cool it is that we can jump and turn and kick and express ourselves through movement with this awesome instrument!

Below is a post from Miss Lauren Ritchie, who talks about the importance of loving ourselves (from the inside out!):

Ponder this:

All good… no – GREAT and MAGICAL things are born out of LOVE. 

You LOVE you friendships- they grow stronger

You LOVE a piece of clothing – you take care of it and treat it kindly

You LOVE your pet – you have a special place in your heart that bursts with affection

I invite you to do the same for your dancing, your artistry, and your body.

How can we nurture those with LOVE? 

It involves exploring your bones, muscles and fascia with curiosity, breath and kindness. Hating your body because it isn’t “flexible enough” won’t get you any closer to your goals! What will get you closer is approaching your beautiful body with optimism, gratitude and loving heart.

It requires us to be aware of our thoughts and identify the thoughts and words we use about our bodies. Science shows that our self-belief and self-talk are critical factors in our pursuit of happiness, creativity and success. Who doesn’t want to be happy?!

We get to perform and express and share our feelings in the studio and on stage because of our bodies – but here is what I know for sure:

In dance especially, we can pick apart what our body ISN’T as opposed to celebrate what it IS!

So here is your one-week challenge:

In the morning and the evening, right when you get up and as you tuck yourself in, write down 3 things you love about your body and the awesome things it allows you to do.

Habit tip: Put a journal beside your bed to set yourself up for success!

You are beautiful.

You are bright.

You are loved.

With Love, xx



We hope you all took something away from the week, and that you all know how beautiful, unique and special you all are.